Wednesday, October 10, 2012

One Tuesday Morning by Karen Kingsbury

I had requested these books from the library because I was given the 3rd book in the series and of course I wanted to read them in order.

I have such a sensitive side to me, I am easily moved and can cry at the drop of the hat. When tragedy strikes people I sympathize putting myself in their shoes. September 11th is a day that everyone is touched by. I had no idea what the twin towers were until that day but since then I am always moved by stories from that day. I have watched videos and listened to many stories online and it always brings me to tears.

I knew this story would probably do the same and of course, it did! It's a great story, very touching and yet Karen Kingsbury is able to also show how much we need to love those around us and not worry so much about the things of this world, time is short.

One Tuesday morning introduces you to two separate families. Eric and Laura Michaels and Jamie and Jake Bryan. Eric is a man climbing the corporate ladder, spending more time at work and less time with his wife and son, who barely knows him anymore. Jake is a fireman working in NY and is a devoted father to his little girl. He loves the Lord and is praying for his wife to come to God as well.

An unexpected crossing between the two changes all their lives forever when the towers fall and everyone is clinging to hope that their loved ones are still alive, including Laura Michael's and Jamie Bryan.

I just love Karen Kingsbury's books. She has a way of writing in a way that gets you hooked to the story and the characters that when your done you have to remind yourself that they are not real people! I recommend this book and many more by Karen!


  1. "Gideon's Gift" is a really sweet Christmas story by Karen Kingsbury. I haven't read many of her other books though!

  2. I recommend reading her Redemption series! SO Good!
