Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Goodreads Challenge

1/2 way through 2011 I discovered a great site called Goodreads. It's an online book club of sorts. There are many different books clubs you are able to join from Christian to Amish to your favorite author. I have joined 8 groups so far. Before you think I read that many books a month, I joined them for fun. You can get involved as much or as little as you would like.

Some times a group will choose a book that I am not able to get from the library. Other times I'm not interested in the book so I just skip that month. Some of these groups don't choose books at all, they are just for fun.

Last year I put a challenge to read 45 books and I hit 51 books.
So this year I made a challenge to read 55 books!
We'll see how I do!

The fun thing about joining the groups is to talk about a book you have read when your done! I discovered quite a few great books being involved in this site. Always wanted to be in a book club! This is the way I get to do that.

My top two favorites;

1. Christian Fiction Devourers - my favorite group. They have so many group discussions throughout the month to get to know each other, even fun giveaways. The first time I joined a giveaway I actually received a free book from the author! They have 3 books a month going on, Two fiction (you can choose to read one or both) and one non-fiction (I'm not a non-fiction reader, so I don't join this one).

2. Contemporary Christian Fiction - This group is pretty quiet with 697 people! I have found some great authors through them though. If you like it more low key, this is a good one.

These groups I joined just recently;

3. Fans of Amish Fiction - I haven't always thought I would really be interested in Amish fiction but I ran into a few great books and they are always a safe read. Especially when I'm looking for something for my 13 year old daughter to read. I haven't been able to join them in any book reads yet.

4. Karen Kingbury Lovers - I just discovered her this year. I knew of her but hadn't read any of her books. She has quickly risen to the top of my favorite author list. I haven't read any of their monthly book reads. I just joined to discuss her books.

5. Nicolas Sparks - I never knew some of my favorite movies where written by Nicolas Sparks. I know, not a Christian author but I still love them! I haven't joined in any monthly book reads as of yet. Just reading his books and can discuss them online.

For fun;

6. Christian Girly Girls Chit Chat - One of the girls from another group started one just for fun chitchat. They don't pick any book reads for the month.

These groups are with friends.

7. Coffee Talk - Out of state friends

8. Day Readers - In state friends, we get together when we can! That is fun too!

So, if you enjoy reading come join me! :)

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